Photo Gallery

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

October 4, 2024

With beautiful fall weather, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi was held this morning under the shade trees on St. Peter's Green. Present among the blessed were 12 dogs, including one who tried to escape, and 2 cats. One horse and one dog were blessed remotely, making a total of 16 animals blessed.

Franciscan spirituality is characterized by an attitude of reverence for God in all things and a deep appreciation of the goodness of creation as a reflection of God's love. All creatures are worthy of our respect as sisters and brothers.

"Rebuild with Us" Fundraising Event at Ice House Brewery

September 30, 2024

In addition to fun and fellowship at Ice House Brewery, over $800 was raised for the rebuilding and restoration of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Many thanks to the folks at Ice House for making this fundraiser possible, and to all in attendance from the parish and local community. Also, a special "thank you" to Julie Burks, Fundraising Committee Chair, for coordinating this event.

Dedication and Blessing of the Kitchen on St. Peter's Green

August 29, 2024

Having a kitchen at St. Peter's is crucial to providing the monthly Free Community Meal ministry. Since the devastating fire of December 2023 destroyed the church's kitchen, it has been a challenge to continue delivering this ministry to the community.

Thankfully, eight months later and with support and donations from various community members, the new Kitchen on the Green was dedicated on Thursday, August 29, 2024. An existing building on the property was reimagined and renovated into the kitchen.

The very next day, 400 free community meals of steamed shrimp with all the fixings were served out of the newly dedicated kitchen, as always funded by proceeds from St. Peter's Thrift Shop!

Special appreciation to the following:

Colonial Brickmaking Workshop at Washington Parish Museum

July 27. 2024

Soon the charred, historic brick walls of St. Peter's Church in Oak Grove will be removed and preserved, brick by brick, to be reused in the church's labyrinth. Although the original church bricks are 175 years old, as a building material, bricks have a 7,000 year old history.

In July, kids of all ages enjoyed getting their hands dirty in brick mud, filling brick molds and buttering a brick with mortar. Participants made their own unfired brick while learning what went into the colonial brick mason's clay. They also worked with different types of brick patterns (bonds).  Other topics from brick making in Colonial times included pug mills, brick kilns, rubbing stones, rammers, plumb levels, penny-round joint strikers and using the Pythagorean theory to lay out wall corners.

The Washington Parish Museum is open for visitors during these free educational events held on the final Saturday of each month from 2PM to 4PM.

Upcoming museum events (free admission):

      August 31st - Digging up History

September 28th - Early Virginia Agriculture

October 26th - 18th/19th Century School

First Educational Event at Washington Parish Museum

June 29, 2024

The Washington Parish Museum's first educational event, led by museum Director, Bill Doerkin, highlighted the seamanship skills of "John Washington the Sailor".

Featuring hands-on, 18th century-style activities for all ages, participants experienced: measuring ship’s speed and water depth; using a traverse board; telling time with the ship’s bell; heaving a messenger line w/monkey’s fist; singing a sea chanty; and building a small tobacco ship.

The Washington Parish Museum is open for visitors during these free educational events held on the final Saturday of each month from 2PM to 4PM.

Upcoming museum events (free admission):

July 27th -  Colonial Brick Making

      August 31st - Digging up History

September 28th - Early Virginia Agriculture

October 26th - 18th/19th Century School

Tyler Nichols Band Fundraising Concert a Huge Success

April 14, 2024

On Sunday, April 14th, 250 ticket holders gathered in the beautiful courtyard at Ingleside Vineyards to enjoy a great concert by the Tyler Nichols Band. Delicious food was provided by Denson's Farm to Table, and the award-winning Ingleside wine was flowing.

Deepest appreciation goes to the generous donation of time, treasure and proceeds to help rebuild and restore St. Peter's by tireless volunteers, Ingleside Vineyards, Tyler Nichols Band and Denson's Farm to Table.

Click here for video clips from the concert: Tyler Nichols Band Concert 4/14/2024 

Honoring 25 Years of Service

April 7, 2024

A special presentation honoring Wanda Mason and her 25 years of service as the  treasurer for St. Peter's took place during Sunday Services on April 7, 2024.

Wanda, a long time business woman, resident and parishioner, graciously agreed to assume the Treasurer duties only temporarily in January, 1998. She did so to allow Mary Lou Gouldman, who had served as Treasurer for many years, to care for her son, Eugene, diagnosed with a brain tumor. Eugene died just a few months later. Sadly, Mary Lou also passed away from cancer that same year.

The St. Peter's community is forever grateful that Wanda was willing to accept the Treasurer position permanently, and continue to serve faithfully for these past 25 years.

The Vestry thanked her with a formal resolution and plaque presented by the Senior Warden, Scott Mitchell.

Easter at St. Peter's

March 31, 2024

For the first time on Easter Sunday morning, March 31st, the St. Peter's congregation adopted the tradition of flowering a cross. This ancient Easter tradition dates back to in the sixth century and symbolizes resurrection, new life, and celebrates Jesus' resurrection from the dead.

Congregants gathered Spring flowers, wildflowers and greens, brought them along to the Easter Sunday Service, and attached them to the cross that greeted them on the sidewalk in front of the Pavilion at Ingleside Vineyards. 

Following the Easter service, the cross was relocated and placed in front of the remains of St. Peter's Church in Oak Grove, currently in the process of being rebuilt after the December 2023 fire.

A very special thanks to Bill Doerken for creating the beautiful cross for Easter Sunday. 

Ashes-to-Go for Lent

February 14, 2024

For Christians, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. This year, since St. Peter's is in the process of rebuilding its church building, Ashes-to-Go were offered in the parking lot, just in front of the original, fire damaged structure. The Very Rev. Rod Gordon  blessed forty of the faithful with a traditional prayer and a cross of ashes on the forehead. The ashes, typically created from the previous year’s Palm Sunday palms, retrace the Baptismal Cross on the forehead as a reminder of the promises Christians made at Baptism: to participate in the full life of the Body of Christ; to ask forgiveness when we violate our relationships with God and all others; to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by word and example; to seek and serve Christ in all persons; to strive for justice and peace for all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

Soundwaves Chorale Performs at St. Peter's

December 16, 2023

Christmas was in the air at St. Peter's when Soundwaves, a 12 member group directed by Ben Swanson, performed, "Behold, a New Joy!". The show included a number of ancient…holy….and fun songs.  

David Kim was the pianist and Arlene McKenzie was the oboist.

Soundwaves dedicated this season's Christmas shows to Tommy Feltner who earlier this year.

“Tommy was a pillar of our community, known for his athletic prowess, dedication to family, artistic talents, and passion for craftsmanship,” noted Swanson. “Our performances are dedicated to his memory, and we hope that the music we share may be a fitting tribute to a life well-lived.”

Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2023

At the joint Trunk or Treat and Community Meal, costumed trick-or-treaters collected plenty of candy from volunteers with decorated vehicles while enjoying games, hot dogs, chips and water.

Blessing of the Animals on St. Peter's Green

October 1, 2023

The annual fall service, Blessing of the Animals, was held on St. Peter’s Green, Oak Grove, Virginia.  This was the first service held on “The Green” celebrating creation!

Is God on TikTok?

September 2023

Excerpt from Stories of the Diocese

The Episcopal Church of Virginia:

The Very Rev. Rod Gordon was celebrating his 30th year in ordained ministry when he took a big leap. He decided to offer weekly prayers on TikTok.  Rector of St. Peter’s in Oak Grove, Father Rod was inspired to venture into this unfamiliar territory when he attended a workshop on digital ministry for evangelism at The Episcopal Church’s It’s All about Love Festival in Baltimore this summer. Read the article in it's entirety HERE.

Feast of the Transfiguration

August 6, 2023

St. Peter's welcomed the Rev. Dr. Canon J. Lee Hill, Jr. , Canon for Racial Justice and Healing, Diocese of Virginia as our guest preacher on the Feast of the Transfiguration.

A native Virginian, Rev. Hill holds degrees from George Mason, Wake Forest, Emory University, and post-graduate certificates from Princeton Theological Seminary, the Morehouse School of Pastoral Leadership, and the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.  He is an ordained minister with standing in the Alliance of Baptists and the United Church of Christ, and has served congregations in California, New York, and North Carolina.

Celebration of New Ministry

July 29, 2023

The people of St. Peter's, Oak Grove, joined by church leaders from across the Northern Neck of Virginia, celebrated the installation of  The Very Reverend Rodney E. Gordon as 19th Rector. 

The Very Rev. Gary Barker, Rector of Kingston Parish, Mathews Archdean of the Diocese of Virginia, and Dean of the Upper Tidewater Region, was the Officiant for the service.

An upbeat and lively sermon was preached by The Very Rev. Mark S. Delcuze, Rector of Christ Church Parish, Kent Island, and Dean for the Middle Convocation of the Diocese of Easton.

The Rev. Deacon Salli Hartman, St. Mary's, Colonial Beach assisted as the Litanist and Gospeler. The guest organist, Betsy Ficklin from Cople Parish, played beautiful hymns to accompany the service.

Following the celebration, all enjoyed a delicious feast organized by St. Peter's Care Committee, with food donated by members of the congregation.

To learn more about the Form for this special Celebration of New Ministry service, Click Here.

Community Meal

February 24, 2023

The Free Community Meal, held on the last Friday of each month, is an outreach ministry of St. Peter's.  On this Friday, 300 to-go means were served by these faithful volunteers.  The meal is free, and supported by proceeds from the St. Peter's Thrift Shop.

Blessing of the Animals

October 2, 2022

The rainy, windy weather did not deter us from a heartwarming Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, October 2nd. Thankful for the volunteers who set-up and reset the Parish Hall and provided tasty treats.

Bishop's Visit

November 20th, 2022

On Sunday, November 20th, St. Peter's welcomed Bishop Ted Gulick who led the celebration of the Eucharist, preached the sermon and administered baptism, confirmation, reception and reaffirmation. Thankful to all the volunteers who provided a lovely luncheon in the Parish Hall.